The Mosquito
By: Ola Element
As I lay on my bed
I lay down tensed as I waited the arrival of my friend,
who had left so many mark on me from the visitation of the night before
With tiredness and weariness I rubbed my swell swollen eyes
Won't it visit me tonight for our little hide and seek game on the bed
I was materially prepared as I wrapped myself with so many layers of my cover cloth but I was afraid as I tend to disentangle myself from it as I lose consciousness
Buzz! Buzz!! Buzz!! It announce it arrival with its sour music which was capable of making you instantly awake
Maybe dats it wat of greeting ...
I watch as he led a team of others and place steadily like soldiers going for a kill on the wall
I keep looking at my friend the leader with it mean and angry looking face as i drifted asleep.
The next morning, I had an evidence of their visitation as I had marks all over me
My cover cloth long discarded lay at the foot of the bed
Oh!! I cried
Alas!! I must find a long lasting solution
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