How well do you know your RIDDLES
1. I see an ocean but no water?2. What is dirty after watching?
3. What is yours but is used much more often by your friends?
4. What has two legs but cannot walk?
5. You had twenty men build your house in two month, how long would it take ten men to build the very same house?
6. Maybe I can hear everything but you would never here me say a word, who am I?
7. On Thursday a man went for a horseback trip on Friday and returned two days later on Saturday, How is that possible?
8. What spends all the time on the floor but never get dirty?
9. Is it legal to marry the sister of your widow?
10. What goes swimming with you but never get wet?
1. In front of a world map
2. Your bath water
3. Your name
4. A pair of trousers
5. Zero second, the house had already been built by the twenty men
6. Your ear
7. The horse name was Friday
8. Your shadow
9. Doesn't matter, you are dead anyway
10. Your shadow
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